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Monday, January 24, 2022 at 3:15:01 PM Eastern Standard Time

Remember the good times as a kid where no worries existed? where everything had a solution and nothing was a problem? 

As adults we seem to take more than we can handle, sometimes, not by choice! As we live in a fast paced world, our lives are overwhelmed with all that happens around us. Whether it may be family or friendship issues, financial issues, work issues, health issues,. the heavy burden that our hearts carry on a daily basis is not good for us. 

This world is meant to continue revolving and evolving, it will not stop to give you time to work on your issues. This is what most of us think, that why can't the world just pause for a second until I get myself back on track. Unfortunately, that is not the case. 

We have to continue revolving and evolving along with the world no matter our issues, otherwise, we will be caught in a delay of our lives making it worst for us to come back and continue our regular lives. 

What we have to do is put that silent killer to rest! Yes, we are talking about the STRESS! 

We all know that life if not easy, especially when you have others to take care of. The daily stress builds and builds to the breaking point where your health can be in danger. Medical professionals have confirmed that some cases of high blood pressure, blood clots and heart disease have been related to stress. 

The best way to deal with stress is to understand that when something is out of your control, you just have to accept that there is nothing you can do about the situation and just go with the flow. 

Stress is a silent killer and you have to be smart about your mental and physical health.

Practicing some exercise can help reduce stress along with meditation, listening to relaxing music, watching positive things on tv (no dramas, no action, nothing negative) something that will make you smile and laugh more. 

Take control of your life! Do not let stress control it!