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Friday, January 21, 2022 at 2:38:18 PM Eastern Standard Time

CHICAGO — Activists in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood are calling on the mayor for an apology and more transparency over a botched implosion in 2020.

The call comes a week after a report by the city’s inspector general was released and said neglect at city hall led to a public health threat.

A coalition of groups led by the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization is pushing for the release of the full inspector general’s report and more city employees to face discipline.

IG report: City officials failed to act before Little Village smokestack implosion 

The botched implosion of the 400-foot smokestack by Hilco Redevelopment Partners at the shuttered Crawford Power Plant in April 2020 sent a massive cloud of dust over the neighborhood. It generated complaints of toxic particles permeating the area amid charges of environmental racism.

An inspector general’s report found that warnings were issue at least 213 days before saying an implosion like this is almost  cataclysmic and toppling a smoke stack would be a disaster.

The report claimed “officials approached their regulatory roles in a ‘not-my-job’ fashion” and concluded that the situation led to a “breakdown of city regulatory overnight.”

But that environmental debacle resulted in only a slap on the wrist for the city officials  across several departments including health and building departments.

Thursday a coalition of community groups are calling on Mayor Lori Lightfoot to release the full report and the names involved.

‘We just want to breathe’: Little Village protest marks anniversary of botched coal plant demolition 

The city issued 16 citations that should have resulted in $68,000 worth of fines but was settled for $19,000 without any admission of any kind of liability.

Jack Darin is the director of Sierra Club Illinois.

“We support and stand in solidarity with the ask being made today and the events that should not have come to pass,” he said.

Lightfoot addressed this issue from Washington where she is attending the U.S. conference of mayor’s and said since the implosion, new safeguards have been put in place to make sure this doesn’t ever happen again.